Two wheels, One Heart.

The mind has a bundle of excuses on how today is a good day to stop. A great day for excuses. The best day ever to fall off.

That’s when my heart speaks firmly. ‘You’ve worked way too hard to come this far to stop now’. the only constant is change. That’s when a small act of grabbing athletic shoes, bending over to physically lace the shoes on both feet then climbing on the bike generates energy to act. Having the courage to change a negative moment is the fundamental step to pull your being out of the grips, of the untamed minds design for your life.

This isn’t the Tour de France. This is one act of training the mind, body and spirit to continue forward. Every push hurts yet I’m not dying. Every rotation aches yet I’m still safe. What we do when no one is watching is ultimately the path others view. There are moments where the mind is banging, screaming, yelling, rooting and heckling everything the mind has got so that my heart will stop and succumb to the demands of the mind winning the competition of life.

Someone in your life right now needs to see your courage. They may be stuck in the timeless dictatorship of their mind. Maybe, just maybe your actions will be watched by them, giving them that sprinkle of energy to surrender to the mind for that split second. To re-ignite the hearts flame to act with courage to change.

If you’re fighting some internal battle today. It is ok to stop. It is ok to breathe. It’s also ok to ask for help. Asking for help is an act of courage. Today we challenge you to to stop listening to the mind and start seeing with your heart. What you see, I challenge you to go do.

– JS

Author: James

Life is a test and I've been a C minus student to date. Through every failed test/ assignment I've been gifted learning experiences with a lesson plan for life that my writing attempts to share freely to the reader. I am now.

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